“GEG Youth Achievement Program” Continues its Effort to Promote Talent Training Sri Lanka Study Tour Awarded to Participants Who Build Micro-Shelters for Homeless
The closing ceremony is attended by Ms. Teng Nga Kan, Acting Director of
Labor Affairs Bureau, Ms. Leong Lai, Director of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau,
Mr. Francis Lui, Vice Chairman of GEG, and Mr. Tommy Lau, Council Chairman of
MMA (from 8 to 11 on the left).
Mr. Chui Sai Cheong, President of MMA (first left), and Mr. Francis Lui, Vice
Chairman of GEG (first right), present gold, silver and bronze medals of the YAP
Outstanding Awards.
The members of Life-Scripter are thrilled with their winning of the Sri Lanka
Study Tour.
The participants who earned up to 150 credit points throughout the program
are presented the completion certificates in recognition of their hard work.